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Apa yang kamu lakukan disini Lia? work in this country…kataku, kamu sendiri ?….sejak kecil aku tinggal di Malay coz papaku chinese Malay dan menjadi Warga Malay,tapi dalam darahku mengalir darah Indonesia.
My mom from Jogja, dan aku lahir di Lampung, Kalimantan selatan kamu menegaskan.
Hah?????? Sumatra kaleeee kata ku sambil menggodamu , upss sory katamu …geografiku fail xx. what brings you here Joe? Tanyaku mengganti subject yang di bicarakan
Joe (tertawa) I see…you’re trying to change the subject. oh… did I ? do I ? was I ? (bahasa inggris ku mulai kacau) sambil memberikan ekspresi pura- pura bingung.
Joe (menghembuskan nafas) what brings me here, to Doha or to your table?
Visit Doha 2008 jawabnya singkat, and I was curious when I saw you reading that book (di tunjuk nya buku yang kupegang
He he he he he . dah berapa lama kamu di middle east? Nih tahun ke 2 gw nih…..
hemmm katamu , dah bisa arabian night dance ga? Mau coba dengan ku…..kucoba menggoda nya, dia hanya tersenyum penuh arti, Ia menganggukan- anggukan kepalanya. Aku tahu dia tidak dapat mengeluarkan kata kata di kepalanya. Dan hanya tersenyum. Kami berbicara kurang lebih Setengah jam ketika hp ku berbunyi.
So you’re leaving? now? tanyanya sambil memegang gelas kopinya yang sudah mencair. yea now, like this seconds. Ku masukkan semua barang ke dalam tas. Dan ketikaku hendak bergegas pergi. Joe menahan ku…. so you’re a nurse? : yea I am, so Joe nice to meet you. Im so sorry but my friend’s going to kick my *** if I don’t get going now.
Nice meeting you Joe Sambil menjabat tangannya, right, have a good day and please do keep in touch!!
yea! Have a better one,Joe. I reply promptly and grin. Joe mengeluarkan kartu nama nya dan memberikannya padaku. Ku baca sekilas Dan bergegas keluar dari coffee shop itu. hope to see you again Lia.
Oh well, itulah cerita dari perkenalan ku, dengan seorang yang muncul di depan mejaku, dan akhirnya kami bertemu kembali di dunia Maya ini .......
What else you can do ???
Welcome To Life under Israel Occupation
Palestinians consider 'Palestine' to be the area covered by what we now call Israel plus the Occupied Territories. It borders Lebanon in the north, Syria and Jordan in the west, touches Saudi Arabia and Egypt in the south and the Mediterranean Sea in the east.
In 1917, the British promised a homeland for the Jews through the balfour Declaration in the land of Palestine where the people living there could trace their roots over many centuries. At this time, more than 90% of the population here were Arabs, Muslims and Christians.
The mass migration of Jews began in the 1920s and tension was inevitable. Britain then handed over the matter to the United Nations and in 1948, the UN partitioned the land to create the state of Israel giving Jews 55% of the land when they made up only one-third of the population and owned only 6% of the total land area. The Palestinians were forced off their land even though they were the legal owners, and have never been allowed to return.
It was also in 1948, after a war with her Arab neighbours, that Israel seized another 22% of the land, expelled some 800,000 inhabitants and destroyed 531 villages. In 1967, after the 'Six Day War' Israel occupied Gaza and West Bank. In the same year, the United Nations Security Council passed resolution 242, declaring the occupation illegal and demanded Israel to withdraw and return the land to its rightful owners.
Israel ignored the demand and continues to ignore many other UN resolutions since. This is because the US has been vetoing all efforts to end the illegal occupation.
To whom it may concern