Monday, January 12, 2009

Bahasa Prokem

keme = makan (to eat)
bokap = bapak (father)
sa'ik = asyik (cool, great)
yo-i, yo-a = ya (yes)
cipok = cium (kiss)
nyokap = ibu (mother)
kokai, tajir = kaya (rich)
pelokis, teke = polisi (police)
sedokur = saudara (cousin, niece)
tokai = kotoran manusia (human excrement)
bonyok = orang tua (parents)
sepokat = sepatu (shoes)
cabut, cabski = yuk pergi dulu (asking permission to go)
pembokat = pembantu (housemaid)
boil = mobil (car)
nyolot, ngocol, sepa, norak, belagu, jijih, jijai, najis, senga = amit2, sangat menyebalkan (referring to people of their acts, behaviours, personalities)
boker = ke belakang (taking a dump)
kece = cakep (handsome, pretty)
jjs, ngeceng, mejeng = jalan-jalan sore (wasting time looking around for something "good", loitering)
dokat, doku = duit, uang (money)
ngegele, ngeboat = ngeganja, minum obat-obat terlarang (doing drugs)
bokin, doi = pacar (boy/girl friend)
bokis = busuk (bad character)
ngemeng = ngomong (talk to)
ngemeng-ngemeng = ngomong-ngomong (by the way)
ngokar = merokok (to smoke)
ngompas, ngepalak = meminta duit dengan paksa (ask for money forcibly)
celokan = celana (shorts, long pants, trousers)
celokan dokal = celana dalam (underwear)
mokat = mati (dead)
mokal = malu (feel embarassed, shy)
congor = mulut (mouth, snout)
baok = mabok (drunk)
mabes = mabuk bersama (drunk together)
meten, sohib = teman, sahabat (friend)
oke = bagus (cool, good, first rated)
jago = hebat (good at doing something, skilful)
culun, blohon = tampak bodoh (looks stupid)
pacinko = pasukan cina kota (bunch of young people who live and go to school around downtown
cipoa, bohong, ngibul = menipu (lie to, cheat someone)
ngeledek = ngegodain (tease)
kemaruk = serakah (greedy)
loe, eloe, elu, lu, lo, ente = kamu, anda, engkau, saudara (you)
gue, gua, ogut, ane = saya, aku (I, me)
bais = habis (the end, running out of something)
rokum = rumah (house, home)
amburadul = berantakan (messy)
hoki-hokian = untung-untungan (take an action by hoping to luck it out)
berokap = berapa (how much, how many)
cewek, cine-wine = perempuan (woman, girl)
cowok, cino-wino = laki-laki (man, boy)
tawuran = keroyokan (free-for-all between schools usually)
rese = annoying, bothersome
keparat = (mild form of swearing)
gokil = orang gila (crazy person)
miting = mijit yang penting-penting (???)
cokiber = cowok kita bersama
cekiber = cewek kita bersama
EGPC = emang gue pikirin cuih, sebodo (who cares, like I care, I don't care)
bacot = congor (snout)
telmi = telat mikir (slow thinker)
lamot = lambat otak (slow thinker)
nguping = menguping (eavesdrop)
gelinting sana = (get out of my face)
lugu = lucu dan goblok (funny and stupid)
caem = cantik, imut (cute and pretty)
kesengsem, kesetrum = naksir (attracted to)
matre = (someone who wants/always asks for material objects!)
pecicilan = genit (coquettish)
cupang = ciuman khusus di leher (love bite/hickey)
cemen = semacam tokoh kartun (childish??)
gebetan = kecengan ? (item for chatting up?)
bispak = bisa dipakai (something to be used for ...)
tabok = gampar (hit)
konak = ngaceng (errmm...yg ini cuman buat cowok...dasar cewek malu bagi artinya!!)
bakup = jelek (ugly)
bokep = cabul (illicit material)
mislek = miss jelek (ugly)
bot = channel operator (for IRC)
lag = slow computer
suntuk, sumpek = bored
bete, BT = bad time, boring tau, bad tripin, berahi tinggi (YEEE!) (when you can't do anything, going nowhere)
jutek = nyebelin
anjrit = anjing (dog)
sarap, gelo = gila (crazy)
boneng = bener (right, sure)
bacut = cabut (to leave)

1 comment:

  1. wow...dapat dari mana Rud , Ba Ga nya *bahasa gaulnya.
    he he he he kalah gw vocabnya, kelamaan di gurun kali yeee jadi cuman tau bahasa onta......mpppp
    bahasa mix-mix juga dong say....
